Focus-LEA invites you to be a part of the training and early professionalisation of our students in three different ways. You can choose from the following options:
1- Becoming a partner
Like other companies before you, you can choose to become a long-term partner of the Focus-LEA programme. The framework convention, the objectives, the resources, the duration and everyone’s commitments are defined with the head of LEA departement, which is responsible for the programme.
A partnership is made to build a relationship of trust and deepen collaboration to everyone’s benefit. You can choose to limit the partnership to financial sponsorship without getting involved in any of the proposed projects.
2- Becoming a client thanks to the “Missions Professionnelles” plan
Picture this: you have an idea for a complex project, but your company lacks the skills to carry it out successfully. In this case, consider asking our LEA students! Who knows? Your idea could become a project, assessed in their curriculum.
Indeed, the “Missions Professionnelles” (professional engagement) plan, set by the University of Strasbourg, encourage students’ commitment with supervised projects that are designed to boost their professionnalisation. It is an academic modality that should encourage the student’s individual development in a practical, authentic and motivating project, as close as possible to the reality and constraints of working in a company.
The group created to respond to a call for projects is transdisciplinary, in the sense that it is composed of young people from all departments. They are part of the “Missions Professionelles” plan and will obtain a mark by working on your project. It is therefore an opportunity for the LEA student to work with students from other academic degrees with different skills than his own.
Internship agreements are established between you, the team of volunteering students and the University of Strasbourg to define the legal and pedagogical framework of the project.
If you are interested, you can now upload a call for projects to request its validation. We will be in touch with you very soon.
3- Meeting our students on an occasional basis
Without further commitment, you may wish to share your knowledge with our students in a conference or as a one-off intervention in a course. Our multidisciplinary degree welcomes you, as long as your ideas match the academic programme and meet the interests of our students.
Are you for instance an alumnus from the LEA degree? Come and tell us about your experience, as alumni regularly do at the “Meet Your Future” professional conferences and debates. It is a way to make our students aware of the many academic opportunities, professional sectors and professions they can consider with a LEA degree. Whether you work in the fields of translation, cultural mediation, event management, import-export, international trade, tourism, education… Come and tell us about your work and your company to help our students in their future career choice.

If you are interested in a partnership or the possibility of working together, please contact us!