Promoting the LEA bachelor degree through video creation
In a world dominated by screens, the project aims at creating videos in different formats such as short or medium-length films. The idea is to illustrate the dynamism of the LEA department at the University of Strasbourg. These interviews, reports or documentaries are focused on an educational subject or a cultural event and are presented during meetings with high school students and students in reorientation. Such opportunities – interacting with these people – arise during open days or student fairs that present the different trainings offered by the University, such as “Journées universitaires” and “Journée portes ouvertes”. LEA Ambassadors also use these videos when talking at high schools. The video project has two main objectives: first, the creative and original promotion of the LEA degree, but also the opportunity for the students involved to acquire and promote their skills.Discovering video from every angle
The project is led by students who are passionate about video creation and want to bring their ideas to life in an academic setting. It is up to each of them to take turns in carrying out the various tasks of an ambitious programme: scriptwriting, spotting places where to shoot, getting shooting authorisation, making contact and preparing with the people to be filmed, filming and editing. In addition to their strictly technical skills, the students involved learn both teamwork and how to take initiatives, two complementary aspects sought in the professional world.Focus on the 2019-2020 video group
This year, the project, which is part of the “Missions Professionnelles” (professional engagement) plan, is being carried out under the watchful eye of Mr Schnell, in charge of the Lab numérique (Digital Lab) in the university’s Atrium building. The students can consult him for any advice or equipment loan.The video project team, eager and motivated, chose to focus on promoting the degree by filming several interviews with LEA professors to help future students.
Click here to watch the interviews