A programme created through word-of-mouth
The radio project “Émission Campus“ came from a suggestion by M. Uribe, a poet who writes a monthly column on Radio Bienvenue Strasbourg. Thanks to him and Mrs Garcia de Poillerat, President of the Coordination of Associations of Foreign Residents in Strasbourg (CARES), a group of LEA students now has one hour of monthly air time on Sunday.
A multifaceted radio production
The students who volunteer work in a recording studio where they produce the “Émission Campus” live. Live, indeed, but everything is meticulously planned. Each radio programme is detailed in advance to reach a public of students and, beyond that, young people in the Strasbourg area. From one programme to another, the overall pattern is identical. Bright and intertwined with world music, it includes a chronicle of the current month’s university events and a controversial debate on current student affairs. It also includes an interview with young guests on an intercultural subjects, an audio series and the announcement of the cultural news of the Focus-LEA programme.
A project focused on public speaking
This highly formative project allows students to reinforce their ease in regards to public speaking, particularly in front of a microphone. It also teaches them to be both spontaneous, accommodating their guests’ reactions while still respecting a rigorous planning/schedule. Moreover, this project is reserved for non-French-speaking students in the LEA department, which motivates them to improve their linguistic skills, both in terms of syntax and pronunciation. It is an excellent way to learn how to control stress and transform it into positive energy.
A widening public audience
Thanks to word of mouth, the “Émission Campus” is attracting an ever-increasing number of students from the University of Strasbourg, as well as young people and high school students, well beyond the already wide circle of our Faculty of Languages. Our young animators contribute to the reputation of the LEA department and are worth being known.
Mrs de Poillerat, President of CARES and professional tutor, supervises the students and offers them many tips to ensure that each program is of the highest quality. They are also accompanied by Mr Lombard as pedagogical tutor in their speech-oriented project.
Audio series: creating to entertain
This project is about creating an English-language audio series from an original work. The eagerness to learn a foreign language is sometimes difficult within the four walls of a classroom. Training is easier when it is done as part of an artistic and fun experience. That is the reason why the English audio series project was created.
This audio series is especially designed for English-speaking students who wish to improve their language skills. Besides creating audio files, the project also requires effective communication to promote the series and to organise its broadcast through appropriate channels.
A theatre-troupe-like-team
Everyone has heard about audio-books, but audio series are less familiar. It is a form of acoustic theatre performance: an artistic creation in the strict sense of the word. The audio series is designed to be broadcast as a fictional chronicle. The broadcasting and communication around this project is done in collaboration with the radio programme project and Radio Bienvenue Strasbourg.
Various steps for a meticulous creative work
There are several steps in the creation of an audio series, similar to the development of a play. The project also represents an opportunity to discover the student organisation world in an original and creative context. Promoting a classic literary work in audio format is particularly attractive.
The students will develop a wide range of skills: project management, language and literary skills, adaptation, oral expression, editing, and professional communication, to name just a few. This creation involves many other steps:
- choosing a text
- selecting the passages chosen for the series
- writing a script detailing the stripboard, sound effects, monologues and dialogues
- recording voices and sound effects
- editing
- broadcasting on the radio
The 2019-2018 edition: adapting Animal Farm
This year’s students chose to adapt George Orwell’s Animal Farm. They are assisted in this adaptation by their professional tutor, Mrs Palusinski, president of the “La Plume de Paon” association, and their faculty tutor, Mr Hudson. This English professor at the University volunteered to ensure the linguistic quality of their work. The students divided up the different roles, forming a technical team, a communication team and an artistic direction.